Fokus Prosedur
- Operasi kelopak mata ganda
- Operasi Kantong Mata
- Pengencangan wajah dan pengencangan leher
- Operasi Hidung
- Pembesaran payudara
- Sedot lemak
- Pengencangan perut
- Operasi kanker kulit
- Operasi luka bakar
- Operasi patah tulang wajah
Pelatihan Pascasarjana
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) Edinburgh
- Fellowship in Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery - Adelaide, Australia
- Masters of Surgery, University Malaya
Sekolah Medis
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Sertifikasi Dewan
- Malaysian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic & Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons (MAPACS)
- Excellence in Service Award from the Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) 2017
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Korean College of Cosmetic Surgeons
- AO Cranio Maxillo Facial Association
- Malaysian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic & Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons
- Malaysian Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons
- Malaysian Medical Association
- Academy of Medicine Malaysia
- Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- Malaysian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
- MB BCh BaO LRCPS Irlandia
- Magister Bedah
- Universitas Malaya
- FRCS Edinburgh
- English
- Bahasa Melayu
- Mandarin
- Hokkien
Senin | 08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 |
Selasa | 08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 |
Rabu | 08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 |
Kamis | 08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 |
Jumat | 08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 |
Sabtu | 08:30 - 13:00 |
Pertanyaan - Dr. Yeoh Tze Ming - Sunway Medical Centre (Sunway City)